Monty Roberts Courses

Did you know that you could do the exact same Monty Roberts Course that you would do in the California-based Monty Roberts Learning Centre (MRLC) but right here, in India?
Did you know that by doing your Monty Roberts Course here, with us in India, you will get the exact same diploma as if you did it in the US?

You’re in the right place if:
-You want to do an officially recognised Monty Roberts Course but you can’t go to the US (for whatever reason, financial, time or even visa constraints)
-You want to combine the course with an experience in India, including working with the incredible Marwari breed of horses
-You’re planning a career with horses
-You want an internationally recognised diploma
Manjeev is currently the only person in Asia who is certified to conduct official Monty Roberts courses.
MNH Academy is the only place in India where you can get an internationally recognised horsemanship qualification. These diplomas are recognised worldwide under the official California-based Monty Roberts International Centre.
The Monty Roberts Learning Centre in California is a wonderful place, I would do know, I spent a lot of time there. I went there over several years, doing my certification and working with exceptional people and horses. One of my highlight will always be working with wild mustangs!
However, not everyone can afford the finance or time to go all the way to the US. It may even be a visa issue for some. You might want to have access to the highly qualitative learning and internationally recognised diploma while staying in your home country of India. Or, perhaps, you’re not from India but would like to combine discovering a new place, working with different breed of horses and just generally an adventure by coming to us to do the course.
What are the Monty Roberts Courses available at MNH Academy?
Option 1: Do it in one go
Monty Roberts Introductory Course of Horsemanship
Duration: 10 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
The Monty Roberts Introductory Course of Horsemanship is the first step to gaining an in-depth understanding of Monty Roberts’ concepts. The course is suitable for students of any age (16+), and all levels of equine experience (your instructor will pair you with horses and tasks suited to your abilities). However, as it is a 2-week, intensive course, for those with little or no horse knowledge, we recommend prior participation in a Horsemanship 101 Clinic (or taking the course modular format).
Through demonstrations, practical sessions, and classroom discussions you will be provided with a well-rounded knowledge in the basics of horse care, performance, breeding, feeding and nutrition, with a strong emphasis on horse psychology. As the foundation of Monty Roberts’ work and a prerequisite for the Advanced Course, you will learn the method of Join-Up® as it relates to various environments. You will have the opportunity to build your skills in Dually® halter work, long-lining, herding exercises, horse desensitization and trailer loading.
This course can be taken as a stand-alone tool to improve your communication and relationship with your horse, or as a step towards becoming a Monty Roberts Certified Instructor.
Get more information here:
Option 2: Do it in several steps
Monty Roberts Introductory Course of Horsemanship – Modular Format
In the new, modular format, the course is broken up into 4 x 3-day parts which can be taken in any order at your convenience. All 4 modules must be completed at a minimum of 1 each calendar year, over 3 years to qualify for acceptance to take the Introductory Exam.
Module 1: First Steps to Monty Roberts’ Methods
Duration: 3 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
This module introduces you to Equus – the horses’ natural communication system, and how using Equus can build a willing, non-violent partnership with your horse. It also focuses on effective use of the Dually® Halter – how timing and consistency are key to improving your ground- and ridden- work. More info here:
This module can be taken as a stand-alone tool to improve your communication and relationship with your horse, or as a step towards completing the Introductory Course of Horsemanship.
Module 2: Join-Up: Building A Trust-Based Partnership Through Equus
Duration: 3 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
In this module you will learn to “see the world as your horse sees it”. Over 3 days you will learn the basics of Equus – the horses’ body communication system, and how it can be used to build an effective, trust-based, non-violent partnership with your horse, through Join-Up®, Monty Roberts’ world-renowned technique. More info here:
This module can be taken as a stand-alone tool to improve your communication and relationship with your horse, or as a step towards completing the Introductory Course of Horsemanship.
Module 3: Long Lining – The Benefits, Form and Fun
Duration: 3 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
Effective long-lining (double line lungeing or longeing) has numerous benefits for training and conditioning horses. In this module you will learn the benefits and advantages of long-lining over single-line lunging, and the skills required to long line effectively. More infos here:
This module can be taken as a stand-alone tool to improve your communication and relationship with your horse, or as a step towards completing the Introductory Course of Horsemanship.
Module 4: Preparation for The Introductory Exams
Duration: 3 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
This module is the final prerequisite for acceptance to take the Introductory Exams and cannot be taken as a stand-alone module, or before completion of the other 3 modules.
Through demonstrations, practical sessions, and classroom discussions you will recap all you have learned in modules 1 to 3, use the combined skills and knowledge learned to complete the ‘full’ Join-Up® (with Join-Up®, Follow-Up® and Long Lining combined) and further explore Monty Roberts’ techniques and how they can improve your horsemanship.
Take it all the way with the Introductory Exams, the next step towards becoming a Monty Roberts Certified Instructor.
Monty Roberts Introductory Exams
Duration: 5 days
Check the MRLC for their prices
Next dates at MNH Academy: TBC
The Introductory Exams can only be taken after completion of the Monty Roberts Introductory Course of Horsemanship and sufficient home / field study.